Cryotherapy harnesses extreme cold to promote recovery and reduce inflammation. This invigorating treatment may also improve skin health and boost energy levels through brief sessions in specialised chambers.
cryo, cold air therapy, cold chamber therapy, whole body cryotherapy (WBC), cold sauna
Cryotherapy harnesses extreme cold to promote recovery and reduce inflammation. This invigorating treatment may also improve skin health and boost energy levels through brief sessions in specialised chambers.
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Cryotherapy is an innovative treatment that exposes the body to extremely cold temperatures, typically between -110°C to -130°C (or -166°F to -202°F), for a few minutes to support recovery and overall well-being. Whether you're an athlete looking to reduce muscle soreness, managing chronic pain, or seeking an energy boost, cryotherapy offers various benefits. The cold triggers natural responses that help reduce inflammation, relieve pain, and elevate mood by releasing endorphins. Both Whole-Body Cryotherapy (WBC) and localised sessions are available, targeting specific areas or offering a full-body experience. Feeling curious? Step into a cryotherapy chamber and discover how a few minutes of cold can leave you feeling refreshed and energised.
With so many reasons to add cryotherapy to your wellness routine, like aiding in pain relief, athletic recovery and improving your general health, here are a few benefits that you can experience from a regular practice.
Aids physical recovery
Physical well-being
Reduces anxiety & depression
Emotional well-being
Increases your positivity
Self well-being
Improves mood for social interactions
Social well-being
Enhances your mental clarity
Intellectual well-being
Daniel Craig
Mandy Moore
Shaquille O'Neal
Prometheus (Movie)
We know that you are almost ready to get chilly. But before you do, there are some important things to keep in mind. Cryotherapy is safe for most people, but these helpful tips will make sure that your first experience will be the first of many.
Cryotherapy comes in two main styles. Both styles offer unique benefits, allowing you to choose based on your needs – whether it's systemic recovery or focused treatment.
Whole-Body Cryotherapy (WBC)
Localised cryotherapy
Listen to your body, start gradually and practise with care to minimise risks. If you are pregnant or have a health condition, we recommend consulting with your healthcare provider.
Limit exposure time to the recommended duration.
Stop if you feel severe discomfort or unusual symptoms.
Ensure your skin and clothing are completely dry before entering a cryotherapy chamber.
Wear recommended protective gear.
If using ice packs for localised therapy, wrap them in a cloth to avoid direct contact with the skin. Limit use to the recommended frequency and duration.
”Yikes! Am I actually going to do this?”
”Okay. It’s cold, but it's only 3 minutes, right?”
”Deep breaths, I can do this.”
”Brrrr! This is COLD!”
”Is it time to get out yet?”
”I feel awesome!”
Are you ready to try cryotherapy?
We are busy working on detailed getting started guides and individual practice guides to follow.
Wondering whether you should start on your own, in a group or 1:1 with a teacher? Explore the table below and discover everything you need to know to get your practice started, right now.
Recommendation for first-timer
2nd pick
1st pick
Average cost per session
Free or low cost
Moderate costs
Moderate costs
Special equipment required
Costly equipment
None or minimal
None or minimal
Potential for socialisation & community
Mostly solo
Highly social
Social potential
Safety & skill building
Safe & fast
Mixed results
Mixed results
Space or privacy required
Some required
Lots required
Ease of scheduling
Very flexible
Need to plan
Very flexible
Setup time
Little to none
Over 30 mins
Over 30 mins
Active practice time
Under 20 mins
Under 20 mins
Under 20 mins
Unexpected advantages
Cryotherapy was first developed in Japan in 1978 to treat rheumatoid arthritis.
The first whole-body cryotherapy chamber was developed by Dr. Toshima Yamaguchi in 1978.
Cryotherapy can help with weight loss by boosting metabolism to increase your body temperature.
Cryotherapy has become a staple in the training routines of many NBA and NFL players.
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2 facts
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10 memes
Effet de la cryothérapie sur les caractéristiques de la récupération : revue systématique et méta-analyse
Hohenauer, E., Taeymans, J., Baeyens, J.-P., Clarys, P., & Clijsen, R. (2017). Effet de la cryothérapie sur les caractéristiques de la récupération : revue systématique et méta-analyse. Kinésithérapie, La Revue, 17(192), 14.
Whole-Body Cryostimulation Improves Inflammatory Endothelium Parameters and Decreases Oxidative Stress in Healthy Subjects
Stanek, A., Wielkoszyński, T., Bartuś, S., & Cholewka, A. (2020). Whole-Body Cryostimulation Improves Inflammatory Endothelium Parameters and Decreases Oxidative Stress in Healthy Subjects. Antioxidants, 9(12), 1308.
Effects of Whole-Body Cryotherapy on 25-hydroxyvitamin D, irisin, myostatin, and interleukin-6 levels in healthy young men
Śliwicka, E., Cisoń, T., Straburzyńska-Lupa, A., & Pilaczyńska-Szcześniak, Ł. (2020). Effects of whole-body cryotherapy on 25-hydroxyvitamin D, irisin, myostatin, and interleukin-6 levels in healthy young men of different fitness levels. Scientific Reports, 10(1).
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7 research pieces
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