A beginner's guide to: Cold showers

cold water immersion, cold water therapy, cold water showers

Cold showers are a simple and refreshing practice and involve exactly what the name suggests – taking a shower, but with cold water. It’s a quick, invigorating way to boost your energy and resilience.

In a hurry and don't have any questions?

  1. Check out our safety recommendations.

  2. Grab a towel.

  3. Turn the hot water off and the cold water on full blast.

  4. Step in and count to 60 seconds.

  5. Once you are set up, head to our Practice Guides and get started.

Looking for detailed practice guides? Hang tight, they are coming soon!

What are cold showers?

This simple practice of standing under cold water for a few minutes is becoming increasingly popular, thanks to its ability to boost your mood, improve circulation, and sharpen mental focus.

Imagine the rush of cold water washing over you—yes, it may be shocking at first, but that initial shock quickly fades into a feeling of accomplishment and freshness. The best part? You don't need any special equipment, just your shower. Whether you're looking to build mental toughness, improve recovery after a workout, or simply wake up in the morning, cold showers are a powerful yet accessible way to invigorate your mind and body.

So, are you ready to jump in and feel the benefits?

Let’s show you how!

Why cold showers are good for you

With so many reasons to add a cold shower to your wellness routine (like reducing stress, improving your mood, supporting your immune system, and improving your muscle recovery), here are a few benefits that you can experience by adding this simple activity to your practice.

Makes you feel good

Emotional well-being

Improves your performance

Physical well-being

Encourages positive thinking

Self well-being

Enhances social bonds

Social well-being

Improves focus and clarity

Intellectual well-being

People who love cold showers

Miranda Kerr


Chris Hemsworth


Jason Ferruggia


The Morning Show (TV Show)

TV Show

Real people's experiences

Starting a cold shower? Read this first

Are you ready to jump in and get chilly? Before you do, there are some important things to keep in mind. Cold showers are safe for most people, but these helpful tips will make sure that your first cold shower will be the first of many.



Listen to your body, start gradually and practise with care to minimise risks. If you are pregnant or have a health condition, we recommend consulting with your healthcare provider.


Start with the recommended minimum practice duration and see how you respond before increasing the time.


Stop if you experience excessive discomfort, shivering, or dizziness.

What you might experience


“Yikes! I can’t believe I am doing this.”


”It’s cold! But it’s only 30 seconds.”


“I…I think I’m going numb.”


“Hey, it’s not so bad actually.”


“I feel awesome.”

Getting started guides coming soon...

Are you ready to start cold showering?

We are busy working on detailed getting started guides and individual practice guides to follow.

What you need to know about cold showers

Wondering whether you should start on your own, in a class or 1:1 with a teacher? Explore the table below and discover everything you need to know to get your practice started, right now.


Recommendation for first-timer


Average cost per session

Special equipment required

Potential for socialisation & community

Safety & skill building

Space or privacy required

Ease of scheduling

Setup time

Active practice time

Unexpected advantages

Ancestry, history, facts and other trivia

Cold showers can stimulate the production of norepinephrine, which helps improve mood and alertness.

Cold showers can improve circulation by causing blood to move to your organs.

Cold showers have been shown to increase the body's brown fat, which helps burn calories.

Wim Hof, also known as "The Iceman," promotes cold showers for health benefits.

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2 facts

Popular memes

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8 memes

Academic research we rate

Regular Cold Shower Exposure Modulates Humoral and Cell-Mediated Immunity in Healthy Individuals

El-Ansary, M. R. M., El-Ansary, A. R., Said, S. M., & Abdel-Hakeem, M. A. (2024). Regular cold shower exposure modulates humoral and cell-mediated immunity in healthy individuals. Journal of Thermal Biology, 125, 103971. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jtherbio.2024.103971

Effect of Cold Shower on Recovery From High-Intensity Cycling in the Heat.

Ajjimaporn, A., Chaunchaiyakul, R., Pitsamai, S., & Widjaja, W. (2019). Effect of Cold Shower on Recovery From High-Intensity Cycling in the Heat. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 33(8), 2233–2240. https://doi.org/10.1519/jsc.0000000000003017

Influence of Contrast Shower and Water Immersion on Recovery in Elite Netballers

Juliff, L. E., Halson, S. L., Bonetti, D. L., Versey, N. G., Driller, M. W., & Peiffer, J. J. (2014). Influence of Contrast Shower and Water Immersion on Recovery in Elite Netballers. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 28(8), 2353–2358. https://doi.org/10.1519/jsc.0000000000000417

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3 research pieces

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