A beginner's guide to: Breath work

controlled breathing, breath control, nostril breathing, diaphragmatic breathing

Breath work is a simple yet profound practice that uses conscious breathing techniques to enhance your mental and physical wellbeing. It involves intentional breath control to promote relaxation, boost your physical capacity and assist with overall improvements in health.

In a hurry and don't have any questions?

  1. Check out our safety recommendations.

  2. Take a seat on your couch, a mat or wherever you feel most comfortable.

  3. Get ready to breathe with control.

  4. Once you are set up, head to our Practice Guides and get started.

Looking for detailed practice guides? Hang tight, they are coming soon!

What is breath work?

Breath work is the practice of consciously controlling your breath to achieve some pretty awesome mental, emotional and physical benefits.

The practice has gained immense popularity due to its simplicity, as it is something that can be practised almost anywhere, and at any time. But more importantly, breath work has become popular because of the profound positive effects it can have on your life, such as an improved sense of calm, clarity and revitalisation.

It’s an easy practice that not only improves how you feel in your body but also in your mind. So, if you’ve ever wondered about tapping into the power of your breath, this guide will help show you how to do it.

Ready to breathe your way to better health?

Let us show you how!

Why breath work is good for you

There are so many reasons to add breath work to your routine like reducing stress, increasing energy and enhancing mental clarity. Read on to find out more!

Reduces anxiety symptoms

Emotional well-being

Reduces stress on the body

Physical well-being

Improves how you meditate

Self well-being

Enhances social interactions

Social well-being

Enhances mental clarity

Intellectual well-being

People who love breath work

Wim Hof


LeBron James


Laird Hamilton


Stranger Things (TV show)

TV Show

Real people's experiences

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1 experiences

Starting breath work? Read this first

Are you ready to breathe in the benefits? Before you do, there are some important things to keep in mind. Most controlled breath work exercises are safe for most people, these helpful tips can help ensure that your first breath work practice is the first of many.

Common styles

As you explore breath work and consider lining up your first session, you may want to consider which style of breath work you would like to try first, and how they differ:

Controlled breathing

Nostril breathing

Diaphragmatic breathing

Structured breathing



Listen to your body, start gradually and practise with care to minimise risks. If you are pregnant or have a health condition, we recommend consulting with your healthcare provider.


If you experience dizziness, light-headedness, hyperventilation or discomfort, stop and resume normal breathing.


Opt for a space where you can give your full attention to the practice.


Do not do this practice in water.

What you might experience


“Wait, do I even know how to breathe?!”


“Okay, this feels kinda calming.”


“Wow, I didn’t realize I was so tense.”


“I feel so good right now.”


“Wait, did I just fall asleep?”

Getting started guides coming soon...

Are you ready to work your breath?

We are busy working on detailed getting started guides and individual practice guides to follow.

What you need to know to about breath work

Wondering whether you should start on your own, in a class or 1:1 with a teacher? Explore the table below and discover everything you need to know to get your practice started, right now.


Recommendation for first-timer


Average cost per session

Special equipment required

Potential for socialisation & community

Safety & skill building

Space or privacy required

Ease of scheduling

Setup time

Active practice time

Unexpected advantages

Ancestry, history, facts and other trivia

Many actors use breath work techniques to manage stage fright and enhance their performances.

Breath work practices date back to ancient civilizations such as India and China.

"Sometimes the most important thing in a whole day is the rest we take between two deep breaths.” - Etty Hillesum

Conscious breathing can help reduce anxiety and panic attacks.

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3 facts

Popular memes

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8 memes

Academic research we rate

Effects of Yoga Respiratory Practice (Bhastrika pranayama) on Anxiety, Affect, and Brain Functional Connectivity and Activity: A Randomized Controlled Trial

Novaes, M. M., Palhano-Fontes, F., Onias, H., Andrade, K. C., Lobão-Soares, B., Arruda-Sanchez, T., Kozasa, E. H., Santaella, D. F., & de Araujo, D. B. (2020). Effects of Yoga Respiratory Practice (Bhastrika pranayama) on Anxiety, Affect, and Brain Functional Connectivity and Activity: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 11. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyt.2020.00467

Slow breathing for reducing stress: The effect of extending exhale

Birdee, G., Nelson, K., Wallston, K., Nian, H., Diedrich, A., Paranjape, S., Abraham, R., & Gamboa, A. (2023). Slow breathing for reducing stress: The effect of extending exhale. Complementary Therapies in Medicine, 73, 102937. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ctim.2023.102937

Effects of Yoga Respiratory Practice (Bhastrika pranayama) on Anxiety, Affect, and Brain Functional Connectivity and Activity: A Randomized Controlled Trial

Novaes, M. M., Palhano-Fontes, F., Onias, H., Andrade, K. C., Lobão-Soares, B., Arruda-Sanchez, T., Kozasa, E. H., Santaella, D. F., & de Araujo, D. B. (2020). Effects of Yoga Respiratory Practice (Bhastrika pranayama) on Anxiety, Affect, and Brain Functional Connectivity and Activity: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 11. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyt.2020.00467

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7 research pieces

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